art of mind control

Art of Mind Control – A Bhagavad Gita Perspective

Art of Mind Control – A Bhagavad Gita Perspective

art of mind control


In Bhagavad Gita it is said our mind can be our best friend if it is controlled , if it is uncontrolled then  it our worst enemy. we should know art of mind control in our day to day life. Bhagavad Gita teaches us the technique of Mind Control in a very systematic manner. All the thoughts are generated in the mind. Thinking , Feeling and Willing is a symptom of mind.  Art of mind  is important when we have to regain balance in negative situation or in unpredictable  circumstance.

Techniques for Mind Control:

  1. Discipline and Detachment (Chapter 2, Verse 48-50):  Bhagavad Gita emphasis on disciplined action and detachment from the result and fruits of one’s actions as a means to gain control over the mind.
  2. Meditation and Self-Realization (Chapter 6, Verse 5-6): Explore the role of meditation in calming the mind and attaining self-realization, as explained in the Bhagavad Gita.
  3.  Gaining knowledge and Experience – In life difficult situation is unavoidable and it is important that we tolerate all difficult situations. Tolerating helps the  mind become stronger. The attainment of spiritual knowledge is regarded as a means of gaining control over the mind. Understanding the nature of reality, the self, and the divine can create a state of mindfulness and control.
  4. The Gita emphasizes the importance of doing one’s work without attachment to results. By doing so, one can maintain mental balance and not be overwhelmed by success or failure.


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